So let's go ahead and open an elevated command prompt window.

If you attempt to run check disk from a standard command prompt and you attempt to repair, then Windows will give you an error telling you that you don't have permissions to run the operation even if you are logged in as an administrator.

Now, we have to run check disk from a command prompt but we have to run it from an elevated command prompt otherwise it won't work. So let's take a look at how you would use check disk. check disk has evolved over the years along with the operating system. But the version of check disk that we have today is quite a bit different from what we had decades ago. It was actually introduced in the days of DOS way back in the 1980s. Now, if this sounds familiar, it may be because check disk has been a standard Microsoft utility for decades. So fortunately, Microsoft has included a tool with Windows that you can use to check for disk corruption and to repair that corruption if it exists. If the disk becomes corrupt, then some of the Windows system files might also be corrupt and when that happens, Windows can malfunction and exhibit any number of different problems. Sometimes when Windows experiences a problem that problem may be attributed to storage corruption.